Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

This year Christmas was VERY fun as Nate seemed to get right into the festivities. It amazed me how comfortable he was at all of our different family get togethers, not minding the amount of people or noise at all. He LOVED playing with his cousins, and when there weren't any other kids around, he LOVED hamming it up for the adults!!

Here are some pictures from the past few days. The first one is of Nate playing with one of the toys Zita got him. He loves cars and trucks - this is something he has just started over the past few weeks. He says both car and truck, and gets right down on the ground to push them around.

Nate and Daddy playing in "their" new ball tent.

Nate being very good, sitting on the couch at Grandma Dodi and Grandpa Bob's on Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning - Nate checking out his new toys.

A VERY BIG thank you to everyone who shared the holidays with us for helping to make this Christmas wonderful for our little bug. Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Busy times

I can't believe it's been almost a month!! I am a terrible blogger. Things here have been VERY busy -- getting ready for the holidays and the move! Here are the latest of our little bug.

Nate, and his new favourite activity -- reading books!!

Playing with Daddy after the first snowfall of the year!

Reading with Daddy before bed (I love spying on them :o)

Nate's official Christmas 2007 picture (since the visit to Santa didn't go over very well).