Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fall Days...

I just came across these pics from the kids this fall and LOVE THEM. They were taken at my parent's house one day last October / November.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Better late than never....

Happy Birthday Grammie! We love you. Love, Nate and Lucy

Friday, January 01, 2010

Christmas Part 5

Christmas at my parents house....

Nate with his cousins (and "best friends").

Mommy and dolly Lucy.

Lucy and her cousin Mikayla.

Nate and Lucy - wishing everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Christmas Part 4

We woke Lucy up at 8am so she could join us opening gifts. Not sure she had any idea what was going on, but when Nate is having fun....she is having fun, so she mostly watched him and giggled and smiled.

Christmas Part 3

The calm before the storm...

Nate was up first (well, actually Lucy was up at 5:30am, then back down for a nap) so shift one was just the three of us.

Christmas Part 2

These photos are from Christmas Eve (we hosted). Nate opening gifts from his cousins:

Reading "The Night Before Christmas with Uncle James":



The "kids (and Grammie)" table:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a fantastic Christmas with the kids this year, and a great two week holiday. Nate was super excited this year and now asks if everything we own is from Santa.

I think I'll have to post our pictures in a couple of different posts, so here are the first ones from Nate and I (and Lucy) making cupcakes:

Lucy playing with the dancing / singing Santa at my grandparents on December 23:

Nate and Lucy opening their gifts from their Great Grandparents!

Lucy reading a book with her Great Aunt Cheryl.